Sixth Form

Applied Science

The world in which we live in is fast paced and highly competitive.  The media is constantly bombarding us with news of new innovations, discoveries and scientific material and we have to be able to comprehend and digest this information objectively.  Additionally, the UK has a strong scientific and technology sector and increasingly requires more scientifically literate people to be employed in these areas.

The BTEC Applied Science course is taught within a vocational context, and this means that you will not only learn the Science, but also how it is used in real life organisations.  In BTECs qualifications students study real life work -based case studies and complete projects and assessments which contribute to the achievement of each unit studied.  The assessment criteria address theory with practical exercises.

Key Stage 5

At level 3 students can study the BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Applied Science. The course lasts two years and covers four units.

UNIT 1: Principles and Applications of Science I – Covers key concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

UNIT 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques Industry – Introduction to quantitative laboratory techniques, calibration, chromatography, calorimetry and laboratory safety which are relevant to the chemical & life science industries.

UNIT 3: Science Investigation Skills – Skills needed in planning a scientific investigation: recording, interpreting, draw scientific conclusions & evaluate evidence.

UNIT 8: Physiology of Human Body Systems – Physiology of human body systems.

The qualification is graded Pass, Merit, Distinction, Distinction*.

With a range of assessments: 2 units are external assessments (58%) comprising a Task and a Written exam, and 2 internal assessments (42%) both are assignments.

Learners develop the transferable and higher order skills which are valued by higher education providers and employers.  The qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by higher education providers as contributing to meeting admission requirements for many courses.

Applied Science L3 National Extended Certificate

Contact Us

The Long Eaton School
Thoresby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 3NP

Tel: 0115 9732438

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