SEN Information
Welcome to The Long Eaton’s SEN Information Report for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). All governing bodies of academy schools have a legal duty under the revised Code of Practice (2014) to publish information on their website about the implementation of their policy for students with SEND.
The Long Eaton School recognises and celebrates the individuality and diversity of our students. There are no restrictions on entry and every student has an entitlement to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. The school is committed to giving all students every opportunity to achieve the highest standards. We have an inclusive ethos with high expectations where everyone can achieve their full potential. We seek to engender a sense of belonging to the school and to boost self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation.
The provision that we describe below is consistent with recommended good practice within the LA’s Local Offer. We would welcome your feedback and future involvement in its review, so please do contact us.
Assistant Principal for Inclusion and Acting SENDCO – Miss Jo Hulse – 0115 9732438

The Long Eaton School is a fully inclusive mainstream secondary school. We have a historically close relationship with the LA and this collaborative partnership has developed our inclusive ethos.
We cater for all students with needs such as:
- Learning difficulties that stem from cognition and learning needs
- Communication and interaction difficulties
- Autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)
- Specific learning difficulties
- Sensory and physical difficulties
- Social, emotional and mental health needs
The most prevalent needs in the school are Social and Emotional Health, Moderate Learning Difficulties and Specific Learning Difficulties and we continue to develop our expertise in supporting students with complex SEND.
Total number of students on roll | 1116 |
Number of students with statements (EHCPs from September 2014) | 44 |
Number of students identified as SEN Support | 205 |
Percentage of academy population with SEN provision | 13% |
The Long Eaton School is committed to early identification of students with special educational needs. The Learning Support Faculty works closely with the curriculum, pastoral and student support teams to ensure that students who may have special educational needs are identified and assessed so their learning needs are more fully understood.
A range of evidence is collected by the Learning Support team through an analysis of each subject’s assessment data. This data is captured at several points across the academic year. Additional assessment is collected through reading tests, CAT tests and specialist diagnostic screeners. Students are given target grades in all subject areas which is shared with parents/carers through the academy reporting system. As well as target grades, students also receive Attitude To Learning grades (ATL) which reflect a learners behaviour and disposition in class. If a student’s data suggests that they are not making expected progress, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and Learning Support team will work with a range of staff with school to decide if additional and/or different provision is necessary.
If a parent is concerned about a child’s progress, this should be raised with the subject teacher, Year Leader and/or the SENCo. Key staff meet to discuss student’s needs in regular meetings around subjects, pastoral concerns or Learning Support teams. Teachers and other members of staff can refer students to the Additional Needs team if they have concerns about a student’s learning, behaviour or well-being and if there is a need for extra help and support, this will be discussed and a support plan put in place.
Discussions with parents/carers take place at parents’ evenings and through appointments arranged at convenient times during or at the end of the school day. Staff ensure that assessment of educational needs directly involves the learner, their family and their teachers.
The school also works closely with its feeder primary schools to ensure that any information about student’s special educational needs is known in advance of their arrival in Year 7. A member of staff from the school’s transition team will visit each feeder school to gather information about children. This knowledge is used to build a full and detailed profile of the new Year 7. Staff from the Learning Support team will visit students with a ‘Statement’ of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health and Care Plan in their primary school to explore the support they will need when they transfer to the school.
Staff work closely together to ensure they have a broad understanding of the difficulties students with SEND face. A co-ordinated programme of staff development ensures that all staff have the opportunity to be well equipped to support the needs of our SEND students.
In the spirit of the SEND Code of Practice, we support the idea that high quality teaching, differentiated for individual students, is the first step in responding to students who have or may have SEND. Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality first teaching.
If a student needs additional/different provision to support their learning, we will consider all possible options of intervention before a referral is made for a statutory assessment. We will make referrals for statutory assessments in consultation with parents and/or carers and outside agencies that support the school.
How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for SEND students:
We are committed to continually improving and developing our provision for students with special educational needs.
The Learning Support team regularly evaluates its effectiveness through an annual faculty review led by a member of the senior leadership team. The review feeds closely into the faculty’s self-evaluation form and annual improvement plan, which ensure that the faculty continues to build on the effectiveness of its provision.
The Learning Support Faculty also closely tracks attainment data of students on the Inclusive Education Register to ensure that additional to/different from provision is impacting across the curriculum. In addition for students with SEND, we regularly review progress towards agreed outcomes assessing whether the support that’s been in place has made a difference and what we need to do next. We evaluate this progress against age related and national expectations.
Analysis of SEND student performance data will include:
- Are students performing on target with their learning
- Progress and attainment
- % achieving end of key stage targets, or making at least expected progress towards these targets
- Reading tests, CAT tests, screeners etc.
- Attitude towards learning grades
- Number of exclusions
- SEN attendance
- Number of students with a statement or EHCP
- Lesson observations involving SEND students
- Feedback from teachers, support staff, parents and students
- Evidence of impact of SEND training for SEN staff
Furthermore, regular observations are undertaken of lessons to ensure that high quality teaching is in place and that the provision provided is leading to student progress and achievement. Observations are also undertaken by the SENCo and members of the management team to ensure that any in-class support provided by Learning Support assistants is helping students to engage and make progress with their learning.
The schools’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of students with SEND:
Students’ progress is regularly monitored through analysis of each subject’s assessment data. Students’ attainments are tracked using the whole school tracking system (Go4Schools) and those failing to make expected levels of progress are identified. These students are then discussed in half termly progress meetings that are undertaken in local teaching and learning meetings with senior staff and discussed with the SENCo and Learning Support team.
Any interventions run by the Learning Support Faculty in which students are involved are closely tracked and monitored to ensure their effectiveness.
If students are not making expected progress, the Learning Support team will explore how to better support the student. Students will be observed in lessons and the SENCo/Learning Support Team will work with teachers to ensure that the learning is appropriate and effectively supports the student’s needs.
The SENCo may carry out additional testing if concerns are raised regarding student progress. The SENCo may also refer students to specialist teachers or educational psychologists for more in-depth testing.
The school’s approach to teaching students with SEND:
An inclusive approach to teaching and learning is promoted across the school. Staff access regular high quality training on a weekly basis focusing on different aspects of teaching and learning such as differentiation, assessment for learning, data analysis, as well as sharing good practice for meeting the needs of all learners.
We believe that every teacher is a teacher of students with SEND. Subject staff implement appropriate personalisation to meet student need in lessons through high quality teaching. Quality teaching, differentiated for individual students, is the first step in responding to students with additional needs. Subject teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of students in their class, including where students access support from teaching assistants and specialist support.
The SENCo ensures that all staff have the relevant information regarding SEND students, including practical classroom strategies. This information is presented in the form of an accurate and up-to-date SEN register which includes information regarding each students SEN status, need and types of support offered. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) support this information detailing background information, potential barriers to learning and classroom strategies to support a student’s learning. This information is stored centrally and is regularly updated when appropriate, for example after a review meeting. SEN guidance and advice forms are available to all staff within the academy to provide support and strategies for the most prevalent special educational needs.
How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for students with SEND:
Every teacher is required to adapt the curriculum to ensure access to learning for every student within their class. The Teacher Standards 2011 detail the expectations on all teachers and we are proud of our staff for the high aspirations they hold for all students and their striving to continually improve their practice to facilitate the best possible outcomes for our students.
Teachers use a range of strategies to meet student’s special educational needs. Lessons have clear learning intentions; we differentiate work appropriately and we use assessment to inform the next stages of learning.
As much as possible, students will have full access to the National Curriculum, though at times small group teaching, one to one sessions or alternative provision might be provided if this better suits the learning needs of the student.
In order to have a curriculum that meets the needs of all students we have:
- Smaller classes for lower ability sets
- Literacy intervention programmes targeting reading stanines and comprehension skills
- Additional literacy/English lessons for identified students in Years 7 and 8
- Additional in-class support for all lower sets from Year 7 – 11
- Small group withdrawal for specific academic intervention groups as required (Literacy, Numeracy, ICT interventions for students working at Level 2 or below)
- Social and emotional support groups if and when necessary
- Mentoring
- Positive reward systems
- Specific subject interventions targeted around achievement and progress
- Specific Literacy Difficulty clinics for students diagnosed with dyslexia
- Language sessions for visually/hearing students to reinforce work covered in lessons with communication assistants or Teachers of the Deaf/Teacher of the Visually Impaired.
- An option for some GCSE students to reduce the number of subjects and have ‘catch up’ time to supplement the work they do in other GCSE subject areas.
- Alternative curriculum sessions for Years 7 and 8 students with complex and long term needs including SALT sessions, Life Skills, SRE, swimming, Social stories etc.
- Alternative curriculum pathway from Year 9 onwards following a Foundation Learning curriculum
- A personalised curriculum for students with specific strengths and weaknesses from Year 9 onwards following a combination of GCSE or BTEC subjects and Foundation Learning
- Sixth Form pathway following a Life Skills Diploma programme
Learning Support staff, pastoral team members and faculty staff in consultation with parents/carers will seek advice or support from external specialists. Additional strategies may be put in place and recorded in students’ provision maps.
Each learner identified as having SEND is entitled to support that is ‘additional to or different from’ a normal differentiated curriculum. The type of support is dependent on the individual learning needs and is intended to enable access to learning and overcome the barrier to learning which has been identified. This support is described on a provision map, which monitors and tracks the interventions and actions that we undertake in the academy to support learners with SEND.This map is modified regularly and changes as our learners and their needs change.
Accessibility around the school:
The following facilities are available for students and their parents/carers with physical difficulties:
- Disabled parking bays
- Easy access to buildings
- Lifts
- Accessible toilets
- Contrast edging and dual height rails on stairs and steps
- Evac chairs and emergency proceduresfor designated students
- Accessible break areas
- Accessible dining areas
- A private room for administration of medication
Additional support for learning that is available to students with SEND:
Students with special educational needs and disabilities are provided with help and support according to their level of need. The Learning Support Faculty has a range of resources which it uses to support students with special educational needs. Resources are allocated to students in relation to their specific needs.
As part of the school budget, we receive ‘notional SEN funding’ from the DfE. This funding is used to ensure that the quality of teaching is good in the school and that there are sufficient resources to deploy additional and different teaching for students requiring SEN support. The amount of support required for each student to make good progress will be different in each case.
In some specific cases a very high level of resource is required. The funding arrangements require schools to provide additional funds for these students and above that the local authority should provide ‘top up’ funding for the school to ensure adequate resourcing is in place for the individual child to make progress. The school submits information to the LA re the needs of students and the specialist interventions they require in order to access this ‘top-up’ funding.
How will my child be included in activities of the school including trips?
All students are included in all parts of the curriculum and this is the same for trips or visits off site. A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off site activity to ensure everyone’s health and safety will not be compromised. If it were deemed unsafe for a student to take part in an activity, either additional resources will be provided or alternative activities which will cover the same curriculum experience will be provided in school.
A range of extra-curricular activities are offered during the school day and students with SEND are encouraged to take part according to their individual interests. A range of Learning Support Faculty enrichment clubs run at lunch time and after school to provide additional experiences for SEND students.
Students with SEND who may find break or lunch times difficult have access to the Learning Support base and staff are always on hand to support them.
Wellbeing is supported through the following:
- each teacher has a knowledge and understanding of students in their care
- students with high levels of SEND have a named key worker from the Learning Support Faculty who are responsible for the co-ordination of the student’s leaning and social wellbeing while at school
- student’s medical needs are addressed in accordance with the statutory guidance on supporting pupils in schools with medical conditions, and medicines are administered in line with the academy’s Medicine policy
- students who have specific medical needs will have a Health Care Plan
- the Pastoral Team provide support for students and their families and liaise closely with the Learning Support Faculty
- signposting to external agencies to support the wellbeing of the child
- in-school interventions which may include access to a counsellor or outreach worker from the CAMHS team
- self-esteem groups
- social skills groups
- lunch time support
- behaviour support strategies including in-class support or support from Student Services
The Long Eaton School Enhanced Resource works with students aged from 11-16 who have a diagnosis of an Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Students will access mainstream lessons for the maximum time that they are able. They will be supported in a number of ways.
- In class support from a Teaching Assistant
- Specific work on areas of difficulty, either individually or in small groups
- Given a quiet place to be at lunchtimes or break times
- Support in developing friendships
- Support in developing independence and life skills
- Support with homework
- Extra support in areas of the curriculum where they have specific difficulties
It is recognised that some areas of the curriculum will be extremely difficult for some students. This will be assessed on an individual basis and a decision made jointly with parents as to how this should be addressed.
Aims of the Enhanced Resource Centre
- To address the specific difficulties associated with ASD and to differentiate the curriculum to accommodate these individual needs
- To provide a warm, supportive and happy environment to enable each student to develop their full potential.
- To teach skills which will enable each student to achieve living as independent a life as possible.
- To provide structures and routines which facilitate the teaching of strategies that enable each student to manage their own emotions and their personal and social development.
- To help each student to acquire those attitudes, beliefs and behaviours necessary to be a fully participating member of family, school and community life.
- We believe in partnership with parents and every effort will be made to ensure that close contact is maintained with home and that communication is a two way process.
Admissions are made through Derbyshire Local Authority. They use the following essential admission criteria:
- Student has a diagnosis of ASD from a Psychologist or doctor
- Student has a statement of Special Educational Needs
- Student is in KS3 or 4
In addition the student may:
- Exhibit anxiety levels such that they regularly have to leave a classroom
- Have specific areas of difficulty that fall below the usual in a mainstream school
- Be unable to access certain curricular areas even with support
- Need specific interventions such as social skills programmes
- Have patterns of behaviour that would regularly disrupt a mainstream classroom
For further information please contact
Mrs Ceri Hoyle at The Long Eaton School
0115 9732438
An on –going programme of training is in place to ensure that all teachers and support staff have appropriate skills and knowledge to support provision for students with SEND. Our SENCo actively engages in a range of opportunities to share best practice and keep abreast of current local and national initiatives and policy to support students with SEND. Teaching staff seek support and guidance from the SENCo and Learning Support team as required.
The school also seek advice and guidance from local special schools and other relevant agencies to help school staff meet the needs of your child to review, evaluate and develop provision for students who have the most complex needs.
We have staff with specialized expertise, qualifications and experience including:
Mrs Sam Kennedy – SENCo
Mrs C Hoyle – Assistant SENCo and ERC Lead
Mentors trained to use restorative approaches to manage conflict and trained annually in de-escalation and positive intervention techniques.
We use our professional judgement to ensure that the funding is distributed to have the greatest impact on our students with SEN. We regularly review this to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency. We strive to ensure equity, transparency and clarity amongst all settings within the academy and ensure this clarity allows all staff to understand the allocation of resources and to assist in their decision making process.
The majority of SEN funding is spent on additional support staff. Most of this funding comes from the central academy budget and Local Authority ‘top up’ funding for students with high level needs. Specialist equipment and resources are considered on an annual basis and appropriate funding requests are submitted to the academy. Additional resources can be requested or bid for from external agencies but these resources are finite and dependent on specific criteria.
- Information about students with SEN is transferred from primary schools. The academy gathers information from all feeder primary schools through school visits by relevant pastoral staff and more detailed information either by attendance at Year 6 Annual Reviews or by visits by the SENCo and their team to the schools in the summer term. Any student identified as SEN Support or has a Statement in Year 6 is referred to the SENCo and is added to the Inclusive Education Register for Year 7. Students in Year 6 who accepted a place for Year 7 are invited to 2 intake days in June. These days give a taste of secondary school life, involve experience of lessons, information about how the school runs and provides an opportunity for students to meet their new classmates. Parents/carers are invited to an ‘Intake Evening’ at the end of the two days, to learn about the activities their children have undertaken, to meet key staff and to receive information about the organisation of the school.
- The SENCo will also meet with advisory staff or specialist teachers to ensure that provision is put into place to ensure a smooth transition at any stage that a student with SEND transfers to The Long Eaton School.
- Additional meetings support students and parents in making positive curriculum options in Year 8 for transition from Key stage 3 to 4 as well as Years 10, 11 and 12 when students and their families are making decisions about Post 16 and 18 education and training. This includes visits to open days and further education fairs.
- Additional efforts are directed at Year 10 Work Experience for SEND students with all students having a real and challenging work experience placement with support as and when needed.
- All SEND students with complex needs receive 1:1 careers advice to help them plan possible routes for training or education.
We have a positive approach to behaviour management with a clear Behaviour for Learning policy that is followed by all staff and students. Every lesson, every student has the opportunity to receive a positive point from the teacher. Points are recorded on Go 4 Schools and monitored by pastoral leaders. This enables the team to identify students who may be falling behind their peers, to investigate and to address the reasons for this.
There are consequences for poor behaviour, which are outlined in the Behaviour Policy. As well as losing rewards, students can receive sanctions such as detentions, isolation from class or fixed term exclusions. However, if a student is falling significantly behind their peers, and their behaviour is affecting their learning or the learning of others, then additional support may be provided.
The Attendance Administrator and Year Managers monitor student attendance and liaise with the local authority Education Welfare Officer (EWO). They help parents/carers manage their child’s attendance at school and can support with outside agencies coming into school. The EWO helps parents/carers manage their child’s attendance at school; overseas legal action against parents/carers whose children do not attend school and helps liaise with outside agencies that can support families in more difficult situations.
The Student Support team works with students when their learning is affected by their behaviour, providing emotional support, signposting to sources of guidance and advice, liaising with external agencies, overseeing action plans, arranging alternative provision. They also work with students whose behaviour is affecting the learning of other students, to help them develop skills for understanding and managing their emotions, social and mental health for supporting learning at school.
Students are supported back into school by staff following any period of exclusion. For students with SEND, senior staff will liaise carefully with pastoral staff and the SENCo and will make a decision with regard to any SEN the student may have. A decision to exclude a student with SEN is always taken very carefully indeed and will be the last resort after alternatives have been tried and failed.
The SENCo will maintain links with the LA support service, the Educational Psychology Service and other special agencies such as CAMHS, Speech and Language Therapy,and NHS practitioners. The pastoral team would be the normal point of contact with Educational Welfare and Social Care. Liaison within the school will ensure appropriate personnel are informed of matters that affect them.
We believe that the Special Educational Needs of students are best met when there is effective collaboration and communications between school, other agencies, families and students and we aim to foster good working relations with all of these groups, especially parents.
We endeavour to communicate positively with parents by:
- Using parental knowledge – you are the ones who know your children best!
- Recognising the personal and emotional investment of parents
- Ensuring parents understand the procedures and feel supported with these
- Respecting differing perspectives and seeking constructive ways of reconciling different view points
- Respecting the differing needs parents themselves may have
- Recognising the need for flexibility in the timing and structure of meetings
The school will always seek parental permission before making a referral to other agencies for support for their child. Where parents do not wish to have their details passed on to third parties, their wishes will be respected.
This SEN information report declares our annual offer to all learners with SEN, but to be effective, it needs the views of all parents/carers, learners, governors and staff. For this reason, we would ask you to please engage with our annual process to “assess, plan, do and review” so that, working in partnership, your child is supported to achieve the best possible academic outcomes and a happy and successful future.
We have an open door policy and you can ask for an appointment to speak with your child’s Year Leader, class teachers, the SENCo or more senior member of staff at a mutually convenient time.
If a parent or carer has any concerns or complaints regarding the care or welfare of their child, an appointment can be made by them to speak to the SENCo, Year Manager or designated Senior Leader. They can then look into your concern and give you a response, making clear any action or monitoring of a situation that may be necessary. At this stage, misunderstandings can usually be settled, Everyone benefits from the speedy resolution of a difficulty and from suggestions for improvement.
If no satisfactory solution can be agreed, a more senior member of staff will be able to offer advice on formal procedures for complaint if necessary. This process is outlined in the Academy’s Complaints Procedures document.
There are some circumstances, usually for children who have a statement or EHCP, where there is a statutory right for parents to appeal against a decision of the Local Authority. Complaints which fall within this category cannot be investigated by the academy.
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The Long Eaton School prides itself on being a safe, friendly and welcoming school where expectations and standards are high. Every member of staff makes every effort to help their young people to find, celebrate and develop their unique talents and skills. We are committed to providing a fully accessible environment which values and include all students, staff, parents and visitors, regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are committed to challenging negative attitudes about disability and accessibility and to developing a cultural awareness, tolerance and inclusion.
Definition of disability (Equality Act 2010)
In the act, a person has a disability if:
- They have a physical or mental impairment
- The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal day-to-day activities
For the purpose of the Act, these words have the following meaning:
- ‘substantial’ means more than minor or trivial
- ‘long-term’ means that the effect of the impairment has lasted or is likely to last for at least twelve months (there are special rules covering recurring or fluctuating conditions)
- ‘normal day-to-day activities’ include everyday things like eating, washing, walking and going shopping.
- People who had a disability in the past who meet this definition are also protected by the Act.
Progressive conditions considered to be a disability:
There are additional provisions relating to people with progressive conditions. People with HIV, cancer, multiple sclerosis are protected by the Act from the point of diagnosis. People with some visual impairments are automatically deemed to be disabled.
Conditions that are specifically excluded:
Some conditions are specifically excluded from being covered by the disability definition, such as a tendency to set fires or addictions to non-prescribed substances.
The Local Authority has a duty to monitor the school’s activity under the Equality Act 2010, in particular Schedule 10 regarding Accessibility) and as a result will advise upon the compliance with that duty.
The Accessibility Plan contains relevant actions to:
- Improve access to the physical environment of the school, adding specialist facilities as necessary. This covers improvements to the physical environment of the school and physical aids to access learning.
- Increase access to the curriculum for students with a disability, expanding the curriculum as necessary to ensure that students with a disability are as, equally, prepared for life as are able-bodied students; (if a school fails to do this, they are in breach of the Equality Act).
- This covers teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in enrichment activities and school visits. It also covers the provision of specialist aids and equipment, which may assist these students in accessing the curriculum.
- Improve the delivery of written information to students, staff, parents and visitors with disabilities. Examples might include handouts, school literature, timetables, textbooks, and information about the school and school events. The information should be made available in various preferred formats within a reasonable time frame. The school will promote positive images of disability through all aspects of its work.
Actions Plans are provided which relate to the three key aspects of accessibility (physical access, curriculum access, access to information).These plans will be reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis. New plans will be drawn up every three years.
We acknowledge that it is necessary to raise awareness of issues relating to accessibility and to provide training for all staff and academy advisory board members (governors) to the matter of disability discrimination and inclusion.
The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following policies, strategies and documentation, which can be found here.
- ALT Accessibility Policy
- ALT Equality and Diversity Policy
- ALT Health, Safety & Security Policy
- ALT Inclusion & Disability Policy
- ALT Safeguarding Policy
- ALT Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy
- TLES Behaviour Statement of Practice
- TLES Curriculum Statement of Practice
- TLES Safeguarding Statement of Practice