Sixth Form


The Modern Foreign Language team aim to:

  • Broaden students’ horizons to accept that our society/culture is not the only one and to consider the importance and relevance of other societies. We aim to develop a positive attitude to diversity within the British Isles, the European Community and the wider world.
  • Develop students’ communicative skills and give them an awareness of the nature of language and to boost their literacy skills.
  • Give students a feeling of success with small, structured activities and thus to develop self-confidence.
  • Help students to achieve skills and qualifications that will be of benefit when looking for employment, or that will enable them to study further.
  • Have a positive learning environment in classrooms, recognising different learning styles so that all students can achieve to the best of their ability.
  • Enable students to develop personalised learning and thinking skills such as memorising, analysis, communication and research.

Key Stage 5:

Year 12 students follow the AQA Spanish GCE qualification. The course covers relevant topics of Hispanic society and culture such as environment, multi-cultural society and artistic and cultural topics.


Year 13 students follow the AQA Spanish GCE qualification. The course encourages students to study around the topics of social issues and trends along with political topics in Hispanic countries.

Spanish GCE Course Details


Contact Us

The Long Eaton School
Thoresby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 3NP

Tel: 0115 9732438

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Long Eaton School