The Senior Leadership Team
Mr Mark Shipman
Dick Vasey
Chair of Interim Executive Board
Mr Mark Kirkland
Vice Principal
Quality of Education
Mrs Debra Willey
Academy Manager
Mrs Lucy Nicholls
Assistant Principal
Ensuring Attainment
Mr Ramone Williams
Assistant Principal
Behaviour and Attitudes and Senior Attendance Champion
Miss Jo Hulse
Assistant Principal for Inclusion and Acting SENDCo
Alternative Provision, Inclusion and SEND
Mr Ant Fox
Assistant Principal
Designated Safeguard Lead and Transition
Mr Simon Patrick
Assistant Principal
Curriculum, Pupil Premium, Assessment and Reporting
Mr Marcus Caton
Assistant Principal
Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Lauren McMaster
Associate Assistant Principal
Respect: Literacy & Personal Development Curriculum
Mrs Claire Tiernan
Associate Assistant Principal
Ambition: Teaching and Learning and Scholarly Behaviours
Mr Jonny Allinson
Associate Assistant Principal
Community: Student Experience and Leadership, Extra-Curricular and Student Pledge
Year Leaders
Our Year Leaders are non-teaching members of staff who are available throughout the day for students and parents. Part of their role is to visit classrooms and assist members of staff. They also undertake mentoring with identified students in order to help facilitate the work and help with the progress of all students in their year group.
Mr David Hunt
Head of Year 7
Miss Emily Davis
Head of Year 8
Mr Ryan House
Head of Year 9
Miss Hayley Tallett
Head of Year 10
Mrs Clare Previll
Head of Year 11
Safeguarding Team
Mr Ant Fox
Assistant Principal
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Karen Harrowing
Targeted Support Lead
Mrs Daisy Pearce
Safeguarding Manager
Miss Nicola Rigby
Early Help Support Lead
Pastoral Team
Miss Libby Ford
Student Support Lead
Mrs Andrea Frost
Student Support Mentor
Mrs Alicia Harris
Student Support Mentor
Mrs Chantel Imuere
Student Support Mentor
Mr Nathan Brown
Internal Alternative Provision Lead
Miss Tehya Johnson
Inclusion Support Mentor
Heads of Department
Mr Steve Oakley
Head of Maths
Ms Sarah Ireland
Head of English
Miss Niki Ellender
Head of Science
Mr Sam Martin
Head of Humanities and Social Sciences
Mr Manuel Donas Salinas
Head of Languages
Mr Paul Raynor
Head of PE
Mrs Rachel Lee
Head of Technology
Mr Geoff Dixon
Head of Computer Science
Mr Clayton Beardmore
Head of Arts
Mrs Samantha Madden (Maternity Leave)
Mrs Ceri Hoyle
Enhanced Resource Centre Lead
Ms Elizabeth Elam
Deputy SENDCo
Mrs Harriet Whittam
Office Manager
Parent/Carer & public queries
Mrs Meghan Aguiar
Miss Jessamy Rapkin
Exams Officer
Mrs Angela Shardlow
Senior Science Technician