The Library & Information Centre
The Library & Information Centre is open throughout the school day, including breaks, lunchtimes and after school until 3.45pm on Mondays and 4pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Library is closed after school on a Friday, Students are welcome to use the facilities for homework, reading or choosing books.
The resources in the Library include:
- Fiction books, including graphic novels and quick reads
- Information books on many different topics
- Newspapers
- Careers resources
The Library uses Reading Cloud, a computerised management system, for the recording and circulation of resources. This also provides an online reading community for students, parents and educators in reading for enjoyment.
Most resources may be borrowed from the Library; students in KS3 & 4 may borrow 2 items for 3 weeks, whilst Post 16 students may have 6 items for 6 weeks. The Centre also houses a bank of thirty computers, available at any time, unless they are being used for a lesson.
Throughout the year, there are many opportunities to take part in various library activities such as Reading and Writing Groups and a chance to join in with the Carnegie Book Award shadowing group.
Visits by authors, performance poets, storytellers and illustrators, form an exciting part of our programme to promote a love of the written word.
Research has shown that sustained reading every day can improve a child’s reading age, concentration and reduce stress. Through reading, we hope to enhance student learning throughout the school and give students a life long love of books and literature.
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