Sixth Form


When you think of Chemistry, you probably think of lab coats, Bunsen burners, chemicals, fizzes, whizzes and bangs!  This is because Chemistry is a very practical subject.  Chemistry is often referred to as the central Science because it joins together Physics, Mathematics and Biology.  The world we live in has been shaped by Chemistry. Without Chemistry there would be no medicines, no ‘smart’ materials that allow us to communicate electronically, and the clothes we wear would be boring colours and probably very itchy!

Chemists are excellent problem solvers and in recent years have been trying to identify environmental problems, like the hole in the ozone layer and the role of greenhouse gases; developing drugs for previously untreatable diseases and create more environmentally friendly fuels.  Chemistry affects every part of your life, from brushing your teeth in the morning, making toast for breakfast, to all the reactions going on in your body to keep you alive.  For better or worse, everything is chemical!

Key Stage 5:

‘A’ Level Chemistry is a wonderful opportunity to develop both important practical skills and scientific knowledge.  Students follow the AQA Specification and have 5 hours a week of taught lessons.  At KS5 you will build on what has been learnt previously in Chemistry whilst developing knowledge and understanding in new concepts.

Chemistry GCE Course Details

Contact Us

The Long Eaton School
Thoresby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 3NP

Tel: 0115 9732438

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