
Supporting Your Child

At The Long Eaton School we believe that there should be a strong partnership between the school, students and parents / carers in order to ensure that students are happy, supported in their education and fulfil their potential and ambitions: our aim is for our students to get in to the best universities in the country.

This section contains:

  1. Knowledge Organisers
  2. GO 4 Schools Access
  3. Supporting your child with Literacy
  4. Supporting your child with Numeracy
  5. Attendance
  6. Behaviour
  7. Attitude to Learning


Knowledge Organisers

We feel it is important to set about making excellent progress in your child’s learning by reinforcing crucial information beyond the classroom. Research indicates that the most effective homework for younger students is carefully organised and monitored. To help structure this important aspect of their learning, they are issued with a Knowledge Organiser. The purpose of this is to set well-structured and challenging homework that strengthens their understanding of key information, concepts and subject specific terminology directly related to the syllabuses that inform their GCSE examinations. They are assessed by a variety of in-class or on-line quizzes and handing work in.

There are sections of the booklet which outline what subjects they should complete and on which night. There is space for you to sign off this work as complete and should help you support your son/daughter in carrying out their homework tasks efficiently. Furthermore, each subject page has details of the work that should be completed and signed off.

As well as this there is a reading log which allows you to record the reading your child is completing at home –the most consistent and voracious readers during the course of the year will be rewarded.

Versions of the organiser can be found here.

Go4Schools Access

We use a web-based platform to record attendance, behaviour (positive and negative) learning and attainment. This provides students, parents / carers with real-time access to the above types data. Details of how to access Go4Schools is attached here.


Supporting your child with Literacy and Numeracy


Please follow the link to see Derbyshire Term Dates.

Tutors and Year Managers closely monitor attendance and challenge students accordingly. Parents are required to contact school on the first day of an absence. If we do not hear from a parent when the child is absent, this will automatically trigger a text and email from Student Services. Messages left by parents are logged and registers amended accordingly.

“Should my child go to school today?”


Holidays During Term Time

Whilst we appreciate the difficulties that some families have with this issue, we feel that any unnecessary time taken off school, especially during Key Stage 4 & 5, places at risk your child’s chances of success.

Throughout Year 10 and Year 11 there are modular examinations, the results of which contribute to the final GCSE grade. There is no doubt that students who take exams at times other than those set out in the programmes of study are disadvantaged and do not achieve as well as those who take them on schedule. Despite the fact that this is made apparent to parents on a regular basis, some students are still absent unnecessarily. In line with County and national recommendations, we will only authorise holiday absence in exceptional circumstances.

Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Please could we ask you again to consider very carefully the consequences of taking time off before any holidays are arranged during school time. We would like to thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Please see the Advice for Parents and Carers from Gov.UK with regards to Attendance and Penalty Notices.



If a student is caught truanting from school, then a member of the Pastoral Team will inform the parents. The student is normally required to make up the time lost through truancy via supervised lunchtime detentions. Students truanting individual lessons are normally dealt with by the subject teacher and the Head of Department, with the Form Tutor and Year Manager informed.



Students who arrive late for the start of school should report to Student Services, where they will be credited with a late mark and issued with a red slip to present to the subject teacher, and instructed to attend for break time detention. Students who arrive late without a red slip are sent back to Student Services to register and pick up a late slip. These students will face an additional sanction from the class teacher for unnecessary disruption to the lesson as a result of their failure to follow procedure. Students who do not attend the break detention will be given a one hour after school detention.


Overall Attendance (Years 7-11)

  Autumn Spring Summer
Au1 Au2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su2
2017-2018 95.6% 94.5% 92.4% 94.6% 94.6% 93.6%
2018-2019 94.8% 94.6% 93.4% 94.0% 93.9% 92.9%
2019-2020 94.7% 91.9% 94.0% 92.8% 0 93.6%
2020-2021 93.8% 93.4% 68.4% 92.7% 92.1%  


We are very proud of the calm and purposeful atmosphere at The Long Eaton School and rely on the full support of parents / carers to re-enforce the high standards and expectations of student behaviour. We believe that parents choose this school due to this insistence on the highest levels of respect, behaviour and work ethic. We ask that parents support any disciplinary actions that are taken in order to ensure that their child is a successful learner.

Behaviour Statement Of Practice

Attitude to Learning

Using Go4Schools you can access data on how your child is progressing; this includes attainment data and their attitude to learning (ATL) grades.

AtL Descriptors 2021

Contact Us

The Long Eaton School
Thoresby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 3NP

Tel: 0115 9732438

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Long Eaton School