
Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health

We work hard to promote good mental health and our Year Leaders works with students individually, as well as communicating with parents and external agencies to offer proactive ways of developing this.

The promotion of mental health runs through our PSHE programme and students are signposted to support such as:

Action for Children – Free and confidential 1:1 chat with a parenting coach. There to talk to about family life, caring for children or managing your wellbeing as a parent.


ChatHealth – Derbyshire School Nurses – A secure and confidential NHS approved text messaging service for both young people aged 11-19yrs and parents/carers.

Young People Text: 07507330025       Parents/Carers Text: 07507327769

Rethink Mental Illness – Offer advice on a wide range of topics around mental health, community care, welfare benefits, debt and carers rights. They also offer carers hub with advice and guidance. There is an emotional support helpline available on 01773 734989 for support, a listening ear or just a chat.

Mind – Provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. You have access to an Infoline which offers callers confidential help on 0300 1233393


Young Minds – Get practical advice and tips on supporting your child. You can also use the parents helpline and web chat service to support you on 0808 8025544 from 9:30am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday.


Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline & Support Service – For anyone experiencing distress, anxiety, feeling that they cannot cope, this service is here to help. Call the helpline 24hrs a day on 0800 0280077

If you are concerned about your child’s mental health, you should contact your GP. If you are concerned that your child needs immediate mental health support, you should take them to A&E. 


Advice for the parents and carers of teenagers (Anna Freud Centre)

The teenage years are both exciting and challenging to parent and carers. It can be hard to know whether a teenager’s feelings and behaviour are normal or becoming a problem.

Anna Freud Centre’s child mental health experts have written a leaflet to provide simple advice and guidance to parents and carers about how to make conversations about their child’s feelings part of everyday life.

Download “Talking Mental Health with young people at secondary school: some advice for parents and carers” booklet.


Contact Us

The Long Eaton School
Thoresby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 3NP

Tel: 0115 9732438

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