Sixth Form

Tuition Fund

16 – 19 Tution Fund

To mitigate the disruption to learning arising from coronavirus (COVID-19), the government has distributed the 16 to 19 tuition fund.

This is a one off payment made directly to schools, college and all other 16-19 education providers.

The Long Eaton School has been allocated £1995.

The purpose of the fund is to support students who have not achieved a grade 4 or above in Maths and/or English by the end of KS4. However, the funding is not limited to supporting GCSE Maths and English studies, but can be also be used for any aim in the learners program of study. For example, vocational courses where assessment has been deferred because of lockdown.

All students receiving support must be on a 16 to 19 study programme. Students who have not achieved a grade 4 in English and/ or Maths are prioritised. Further to those students, if funding is available, any other young person with a grade 4 may also be eligible for catch up support.

Young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged between 19-24 who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan are eligible for support via the fund. As a school, we shall consider the most effective support considering our current students’ needs and local circumstances. Typically, the nature of the support in place consists of small group tuition over and above the usual teaching time for the relevant subject area. This tuition will be provided by qualified and experienced members of the teaching staff.

Contact Us

The Long Eaton School
Thoresby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 3NP

Tel: 0115 9732438

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