Sixth Form


Curriculum Policy Statement of Intent

The rationale for the curriculum delivered in the Trust’s Academies is articulated through its Mission Statement and Pledges. Together, these form a statement of intent, defining an ambitious programme of curriculum provision which extends beyond the confines of the classroom and the normal school day. Responsibilities for curriculum implementation are shared between the Trustee Board and the Headteacher and Local Governing Body of each individual Academy. Part Two of the Curriculum Policy deals with those areas of responsibility which are determined at Academy level.

This school is committed to providing the resources needed to meet the SEN of all students and being openly accountable to their parents/guardians, for more details on the inclusive nature of the curriculum refer to the School’s SEN policy.

NTU EPIC week-July 2023

Our Curriculum Aims

The curriculum should inspire and challenge all learners and prepare them for the future. The Long Eaton School’s aim is to develop a coherent curriculum that builds on young people’s experiences in the primary phase and that helps all young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible global citizens. Specifically, the curriculum should help our students to

  • Be challenged and stretched and to achieve high standards and make good/excellent progress relative to their own ability.
  • Enable those not achieving age-related expectations to close the gap and catch up with their peers.
  • Have and be able to use high quality personal, learning and thinking skills and become independent learners.
  • Have and be able to use high quality functional skills, including key literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.
  • Enjoy and be committed to learning, and have high aspirations for their own futures.
  • Value their learning outside of the curriculum and relate to the taught curriculum.
  • Be resilient, healthy and safe, including online.

Curriculum Impact

The Long Eaton Schools curriculum will:
  • Lead to qualifications that are of worth for employers and for entry to higher education.
  • Fulfil statutory requirements.
  • Enable students to fulfil their potential.
  • Meet the needs of young people of all abilities at The Long Eaton School.
  • Provide equal access for all students to a full range of learning experiences beyond statutory guidelines.
  • Prepare students to make informed and appropriate choices at the end of KS3, KS4 and beyond·
  • Help students develop lively, enquiring minds, an ability to question and argue rationally and an ability to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.
  • Include the following characteristics: breadth, balance, relevance, differentiation, progression, continuity and coherence.
  • Develop teaching styles and approaches which will offer and encourage a variety of learning opportunities.
  • Help students use language, number and technology effectively.
  • Help students live safe and healthy lives, develop personal moral values, respect for religious values and tolerance of other faiths, beliefs and ways of life.
  • Help students understand life in modern Britain and the wider world.
For further information, please contact the relevant Head of Department or contact Mr Patrick (Assistant Principal).

Contact Us

The Long Eaton School
Thoresby Road
Long Eaton
NG10 3NP

Tel: 0115 9732438

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Long Eaton School